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I am not Leonard Nimoy
-- Spock

Celebrity endorsement impersonated

There couldn't be a society of people who didn't dream. They'd be dead in two weeks. -- William S. Burroughs


The Ballad of Mike and Diane
2000-04-09 16:40:22

Pigdog Journal
Pigdog Journal

[So, about TWO YEARS ago, a Pigdog contributor sent in a topical parody song about the Our First Time Web site. The site, which turned out to be a hoax, purported to be a live streaming Webcast by two Southern California teenage virgins, intended to educate people about sex and gar gar gar.

At the time, I didn't think the song was very Pigdog, and frankly I thought it was a horrible idea to publish the thing at all. But Pigdog Journal is if nothing else dedicated to hit-mongering giving people the news they want at a price they deserve. In a relative bind, I relegated the article to the deep dark recesses of Pooniedog, Pigdog's strange and horrible porno site.

I hoped the damn thing would disappear, but as it turned out, our anonymous contributor had his finger on the loathesome pulse of the Internet. [The man is good.] For some reason, "The Ballad of Mike and Diane" has been a spectacular hit-getter for two years running. It's consistently been one of the most-viewed pages on over all that time, even long after "Our First Time" is pretty much a meaningless saying that brings blank stares from most Innurnet users.

So, in a belated salute and an apology to our a.c., I'm pulling up The Ballad from the unseemly depths of the farm leagues to the harsh and bitter light of Pigdog Journal proper. Welcome to Pigdog, Mike and Diane! And thanks for the hits, Oh Anonymous One! -- Mr. Bad]

The Ballad of Mike and Diane

To the tune of John Cougar's "Jack and Diane"...

A little ditty
about Mike and Diane.
Two American kids growing up
with a new LAN.

Mikey's gonna be a porn page power.
Diane's got her own domain where she's gonna get deflowered.

Checking out their e-mail, deciding what to read.
Mikey says "Hey Diane, we need a real-time picture feed.
People on the web will clog up our line
If we get a spy-cam and then do it on-line."

Oh yeah, hype goes on
Long after the thrill of balling is gone.
Oh yeah, hype goes on
Long after the thrill of balling is gone.

Mikey sits back, collects his thoughts for the moment
Towels off his groin and checks his usage log.
"Well now, Diane, we got a million fools to watch us."
Diane says "Mikey, you make me feel like a hog."

Oh yeah, hype goes on
Long after the thrill of balling is gone.
Oh yeah, hype goes on
Long after the thrill of balling is gone.

So let em fuck.
Let em pole...
Let their counter climb till they
reach their goal:
your fifteen minutes
the way that you choose.
Changes come around real soon
make you yesterday's news

[See also Bye, Bye, America Online]

[Oh, and if you want more info on Mike and Diane, see Yahoo!'s coverage.]

T O P   S T O R I E S

Boy Howdy! That's some damn fine Pigdog!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
