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If nothing else, we can always set a bad example.
-- Enigma

Letters to Pigdog -- Reported 1999-04-29 by El Snatcher

Older Letters

Asshole called Jed Sanders

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 19:49:57 EDT
Subject: asshole called Jed Sanders

I have not found out your true identity but know that asshole from somewhere. The shotgun and joint are a dead giveaway for the person I am looking for. I think this goddamn punk lived in Ohiio at one time and I want his stinking ass real bad. Know what aImean!! Tell the shithead I will not give up until I find him. You think that pigdog is a tough fuck wait till I arrive!! See ya motherfucker-----Later!!

Who Cares If DiCaprio Was a Mason?

From: "Terrence Graves" <>
To: <>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 13:45:30 -0700
Subject: Leonardo

Who cares if DiCaprio was a mason? Masons were the ones who built this country, paranoid extremists like yourselves are doing your best to tear down the fine principles this country was established on.

I've been a mason for 9 years, served in the military, and believe in the constitution. Perhaps you folks should spend less time in front of a computer screen and more time family and church time.

Come Hither Look

Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 19:48:24 -0400
From: "Arthur R. Marriott" <>
Subject: RE: Set Gag Reflex on Stun

OK, OK...I'm a masochist. Yeah, I went and checked out Kerawy-What's-Her-Name's site.

Really, coulda been worse. I could see that someone as emotionally desperate as Shipley has evidently been could get involved with someone like that. If I were free of commitments, I could even see myself dating her. At least, if we were the only two humans left on the planet, and there were no goats.

But WAIT!!!! Did you notice who gets some of the PHOTO CREDITS....including the (in)famous "Come Hither Look" shot? None other than.....(Drum roll please)....


I'm 16 and Just Love Jake as an Actor.

From: "Randy Fowerdew" <>
To: <>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 14:20:19 -0800
Subject: Busey Clan


I just thought I'd write you and say that I totally think your idea about making a Jake Busey web site is awsome. I'm 16 and just love Jake as an actor. Though Leonardo is a great actor too, theres probably about a million web sites on him! Keep up the good work!

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