Danny's Week
I got my third dicksuck yesterday and man, I really hate how the only
free sex I get is with people that I'm not sexually attracted to.
They tend to be older people, like 40s or 50s, who have sex with
everything on the planet, and since I'm one of the younger dudes
around their cruising areas they zoom in for the kill faster than
light when it comes to me. Not all of the people who hit on me are
older dudes, some are around my age. The only times when I've
actually had sexual experiences with genetic women versus other
genders and transgenders (I prefer genetic women myself), is when I
paid hookers for their services, and damn, those prices are HIGH.
Say, does anybody know if I can get AIDS from blowjobs, assuming that
my dick remains unwashed for many hours after the blowjob and AIDS
from the cocksucker's spit might've went into my dick's pores? I was
kinda wondering about that because I've started having kind of blurry
vision in my right eye, I previously heard that the second sysop of
Keyhole BBS died of complications from AIDS and those complications
included some medical condition that presumably made him partially
blind (he said he couldn't read books anymore) and I kinda linked that
sysop's experiences with my current status.Man, you know, after
getting the blowjob yesterday, I was coming home when I saw some
virgins on the bus. I couldn't get over their innocence and vibrant
glow and untainted view of the world, and sorta mourn the loss of my
sexual innocence because I've directly or indirectly immersed myself
in every kind of sexuality there is, be it vanilla to kinky, normal or
fetish, with adults or with children and animals, etc. I'm not saying
that I had sex with animals and children, I'm just saying that I tried
to learn as much as possible about those worlds, along with all other
sexual worlds and there's no way that I can go back to my former
virgin self. I'm still technically a virgin because I haven't fucked
anything living or dead with my dick. I've just fucked blowup dolls
and fake vaginas and I haven't been fucked up my ass yet, but I don't
feel like a virgin because I've done or learned hella lots about just
about every other form of sexual activity. After each sexual
experience, I feel bad about myself and resolve to never have another
sexual experience again (except when I did it with genetic women, who
made me feel good), but after a while I get horny again and then I
start cruising for sex again. I guess I'm addicted to sex and I can't
stop my urges just yet. Man, I'm so sick of having sexual experiences
with everybody except genetic women all the time that I'm gonna go
shop for a blowup doll later today. It might only last a few days
before it springs a leak on me (I tend to have rough sex with blowup
dolls and my last doll busted within days), but at least it'll give me
a taste of what it's like to fuck a real woman again. I get a taste
of fucking a real woman by fucking fake vaginas, but I've NEVER found
a fake vagina that has a tight vaginal tunnel. All of them are real
expansive and wide vs. tight and hugging your dick. Oh yeah, don't
tell Flesh about what I said about not being able to score with
genetic chicks all the time like he does, or Flesh will laugh his ass
off into the next century and never stop calling me a cripple. Also,
I'm kinda desperate for a blowup doll right now cuz I'm gonna be 26
years old in a coupla days, and once that big 2-6 hits an era will
end. In my view, your youth kinda ends at around 26 years old, and I
wanna celebrate the last few days of my youth before they wane away
into the mists of time. It's kinda like a sexual Wanderjahr, I guess.