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Busey Clan Receives Cold Net Reception

Many Leonardo DiCaprio fan site developers are showing little or no interest in extending/enhancing their sites to also promote Jake Busey. But the campaign continues...

Here's some of the recent correspondence between one of our editors and some of the DiCaprio site developers:

To: [Several Leo DiCaprio Fan Site Webmasters]

Subject: Re: No Jake Busey Fan Sites

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998

From: Mr. Bad <>

X-Mailer: Mew version 1.93 on XEmacs 20.4 (Emerald)

Dear Webmaster:

Did you know that while there are several thousand Leonardo

DiCaprio fan sites, there aren't any Jake Busey fan sites

worth a goddamn? Doesn't that kind of bother you?

Maybe you should take some of your enthusiasm for Leonardo

DiCaprio and make a Jake Busey fan site instead. Leonardo

DiCaprio is great and all, but it's just a crying shame

there's not a Jake Busey site out there.


A Concerned Citizen


From: "so charming" <>


Subject: Re: No Jake Busey Fan Sites

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 17:17:00 PST

Sorry... but I don't know who Jake Busey is. Are you a fan of

his? Why don't you create one for him.

-Sophia email:

Life is short do what pleases you, not others....

Come visit my web site. Leo, king of my heart.



Subject: Re: No Jake Busey Fan Sites

From: Mr. Bad <>

X-Mailer: Mew version 1.93 on XEmacs 20.4 (Emerald)

Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 19:53:08 -0800

>>>>> "so" == so charming <> writes:

    so> Sorry... but I don't know who Jake Busey is. Are

    so> you a fan of his? Why don't you create one for him.

Jake Busey is the son of actor Gary Busey.  He's been in lots

of movies.,+Jake

This is the only fan site out there for Jake Busey, and I'm not

even sure it really counts.


I'd do it myself, but I'm not really a fan site kinda guy.

Anyways, just think about it, OK?

Mr. Bad


Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 18:19:29 -0800

To: Mr. Bad <>

From: Totally DeCapitated <>

Subject: Re: No Jake Busey Fan Sites

Tell me who Jake Busey is and I might be interested! I'd

thought a few years ago to start a Tobey Maguire site cause

there weren't any, but I'm not that crazy about him as an

actor quite yet.

- cricket


| Totally DeCapitated   ---> |


|  An electronic magazine of youth, passion, and discovery, |

|loosely connected to Leonardo DiCaprio and brought to you  |

|             by the fine folks at cricket media.           |



Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1998 18:43:53 -0800 (PST)

From: Naomi Gonzales <>

Subject: Re: No Jake Busey Fan Sites

To: Mr. Bad <>

And who is Jake Busey?


It is a sad, sad fact that there are no fine Jake Busey sites in the world. We live in an age in which there are more sites about Alicia Silverstone than Noam Chomsky...

But our campaign to develop more Jake Busey resources on the net will continue. And remember, you can help by emailing the owners of other fan sites around the world! Please let us know if you make any progress by sending us some feedback.

T O P   S T O R I E S

I want to kill bugs, sir!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
