Build Date: Fri Mar 28 16:40:26 2025 UTC

To me, Pigdog is all about Universal Love, and how it frequently requires semiautomatic weapons and very, very large guard dogs.
-- Jeff Gerstmann


Fear and Loathing at the home of Gonzo Journalism.

Pigdog Journal Articles


Hunter on the New Porsche Carrera 4
Tired of wimpy Japanese sports cars? Then stop buying them for crissakes!!! Buy your next sports car from the evil Germans! Porsche is the only car company confident enough to have Hunter test drive its best car. And what a car it is... full bore, flashy, and able to leap tall Colorodo mountains without even breathing hard. -- El Snatcher


Nasty Review of New Hunter S. Thompson Compilation CD
Who gives a crap what Hunter has to say about music? That's the question Everett True of The Stranger ( asks. He didn't like EMI U.K.'s Songbook Series CDs, a new series of personal musical compendiums by "left field" artists, including super author Hunter S. Thompson, and gonzo artist Ralph Steadman. He may have a point, but he goes too far, when he calls Hunter "a sad fuck." -- El Snatcher


Hunter Does Nash Bridges
An incredible turn of events! Gonzo founder Hunter S. Thompson has written a new script for Don Johnson's horrible "Nash Bridges" television show. The episode will be about a rancorous drug dealer who turns San Francisco's body builders into crazed killers by feeding them SUPER STERIODS!!! Pro wrestlers are involved. The only problem is, who can bear to watch "Nash Bridges"? -- El Snatcher

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