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It Never Got Weird Enough For Me
-- HST

Florida Man

He's a man, he lives in Florida, and he does stupid shit.

Pigdog Journal Articles


Florida Man files petition to ban Bibles from school libraries
The Republican majority Florida legislature recently passed the Stop WOKE Act (HB 7), which prohibits teaching Critical Race Theory in schools, and the "Don't Say Gay" bill, which bans any materials or class instruction involving gender and sexual orientation. Since last July over 200 books have been banned. Chaz Stevens wants to add book to the banned list which is even more dangerous to young, impressionable minds, The Bible. -- Baron Earl


Florida Teacher Sex Scandal
An anonymous student at a school in Florida sent a letter to the school administrators alleging that a school employee was having sex with one of the students. A teacher at the school posted on Facebook they also had knowledge about the employee who was having sex with a student. The school employee's own Twitter account contained messages in favor of white supremacy and racial segregation. The employee was never arrested, fired, or even reprimanded. -- Baron Earl

Offsite links shared by staff writers

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