Build Date: Wed Mar 5 01:10:22 2025 UTC

Ah, looks like it's about time to turn human misery into fat piles of cash.
-- S. Dallas, Esq.

Beaujolais, Baby!

Beaujolais is REAL CRAZY CHEAP FRENCH WINE. It's also the Pigdog love call: "Beaujolais, Baby!" We toast to you, our friends!

Pigdog Journal Articles


Beaujolais named French wine of the year
Normally enjoyed for it's quick buzz and skull-crack hangover, Beaujolais is not known as a wine savored so much as swilled. That may be changing because Georges Duboeuf Morgon Domaine Mont Chavy 2009 Beaujolais was named French wine of the year by some wine snob. Whether that means that this Beaujolais is a fine wine or that every other French offering tastes like donkey ball sweat is a matter of opinion. -- Baron Earl


Now in new 'impish' flavor!
Man! Time flies when you're a big drunk! Feels like I just got over last years Beaujolais Nouveau hangover. A full 24 hours before the official start of Beaujolais Nouveau, Pigdog Journal brings you a sneak-peak, behind-the-scenes exclusive preview of what the critics are saying about this years Beaujolais Nouveau: -- Negative Nancy


Milk Sucks. Got Beer?
PETA (No, not the People for Eating Tasty Animals, the OTHER PETA, the one with no sense of humor), has decided to CAVE IN to pressure from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers and ABANDON the ABSOLUTE BEST IDEA they ever came up with. -- Baron Earl


Beaujolais Nouveau! Need I Say More?!
Can you believe it's here again already? It hardly seems that a year has passed since the BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU was last unleashed on an unwitting world. The shards of glass have hardly been swept up, the wounds have barely healed, and the DIABOLICAL WINEMONGERERS of the Beaujolais region are already going to flood us with bacchanalian vino! Where is the justice!? -- Mr. Bad


It's that time of year again, my delicieux friend! Yes indeed! The BEAUJOLAIS NOUVEAU is upon us! For the last time this CENTURY! And I must say, BEAUJOLAIS to that!! -- Mr. Bad


Keep 'Em Coming!
A University of Minnesota researcher (and noted expert) announced his finding this week at a meeting of the American Public Health Association that most bartenders ignore state laws and serve the very drunk. I'd like to ask everyone to take a moment and thank the good Lord for these fine, brave men, without whom we, the very very drunk, we be cruelly cut off from our nourishing supply of booze. -- Negative Nancy


Hide the 'Shine Ma - Here Come the Revenuers
Police hit a moonshine jackpot behind Douglas Bethune's single wide trailer outside of Benson, North Carolina (pop. 2810) last October -- finding and destroying 6,400 gallons of white lightnin' with a street value of $16,000. -- JRoyale


Haughty Frogs Exposed as Cheap Wine Guzzlers
Far from the refined, cultured, expensive wine drinking snobs they like to portray themselves as, the French are actually a nation of cheap, off the shelf wine buyers, according to the results of a new study on wine purchasing habits. -- Tjames Madison


Happy Beaujolais Day, Baby!
It's finally here! Beaujolais Day! The third Thursday in November is by tradition Beaujolais Day, the first day you can buy the latest vintage of Beaujolais (called "Beaujolais Nouveau"). All around the world, time zone after time zone, as the clock hit midnight, closely-guarded bottles of Beaujolais were opened and tasted for the first time. Hooray for that! -- Mr. Bad

Offsite links shared by staff writers


Wine ATM -- JRoyale


Can crusher from hell -- Master Squid


Healing Wounds After the Big One
Stop and smell the goddamn roses, people! -- Miss Conduct


It's good to have goals
When 900 years drunk you be, look this good you will not. -- Negative Nancy

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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