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I think I better dance now.
-- Tom Jones

Giant Space Penis Sparks Massive Frenzy in Brazil

by Tjames Madison

1999-08-11 13:59:42

This is a great story! It's got a giant, glowing, phallic statue, a gun-toting mayor, random mob violence, death threats against art critics, you name it. This is the sort of thing journalists live for.

It seems this artist, Francisco Brennand, was commissioned to build a statue in the seaside Brazilian city of Recife as part of a city imporvement project. Brennand came up with a 100-foot-tall glowing phallus that would act as a "beacon to outer space."

That made some people in Recife sort of angry, having a giant, glowing cock in their town. So people stormed city hall, demanding plans for this thing be stopped. After some peacemakers tried to present a compromise where the statue would be "toned down" to make it look more like a lighthouse, Brennand held a dramatic press conference to announce he was quitting the project where he smashed another of his artworks to pieces.

When the local newspaper then spoke favorably of Brennand and blamed the mayor's wife for leading the public outcry against it, the mayor of Recife stormed into the newspaper's office and showed everybody his gun while making veiled death threats against the paper's gossip columnist and art critic.

In the latest turn of events, the city council has decided they still want to build the space penis, and has brought Brennand back into the fold to oversee its construction.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

ATI! Because it kind of rocks.

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
