Build Date: Fri Mar 14 04:50:14 2025 UTC

You know, I really feel bad for you Mac people. Sort of. I mean, it was your choice.
-- Tjames Madison

Don't you understand?! We're all gonna DIE!!!!!

by Eugene Leitl

1999-05-11 22:13:39

Here are the FACTS: we're all gonna DIE. The world will end and SOON. How, and when, and why... well, that's open to discussion.

This KICKASS site is a promo for a book called "Apocalypse Pretty Soon" (har har -- get it?). Yeah, usually book- or movie-promo sites suck the big apocalyptic wanger, but this one is actually PHUNKY-PHRESH. Why? Because it's chock full of APOCALYPTIC GOODNESS.

Case in point: you can use the fabulous nearest apocalypto-map to locate the nearest weirdo apocalypse cult of your choice. And they take submissions. And it's pretty well written and what the hell just go check it out because I told you so.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S


C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
