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Once you accept the Bozo that is within yourself, you can accept the Bozo that is within us ALL. And they all had the best Christmas ever.
-- Tjames Madison

He Said "Anus"

by Negative Nancy

1999-09-21 13:39:59

Astronomers have found three "weird" moons orbiting Uranus. You might want to have a doctor take a look at that, I'm sure some antibiotics wold clear it right up. One of those little pillow with the hole in the middle might make things more comfortable for you... are you eatting enough fiber?

You know, I'm sure many web 'zines would pass on a humorous opportunity such as this one. They'd say "That's sooo old" or "how juvenile can you get?". We we here at Pigdog Journal-- OK, not really, it's probably just me-- think it really needs to be pointed out one more time that any news about Uranus is ripe for some serious pun!

Oh come one, read these quotes and tell me you don't think about butts:

"The discovery of these irregular satellites is very important because it means that Uranus is not some oddball."

"The atmosphere of Uranus is composed of 83% hydrogen, 15% helium, 2% methane and small amounts of acetylene and other hydrocarbons."

"In 1977, the first nine rings of Uranus were discovered."

"This view of Uranus was acquired by Voyager 2 in January 1986. The greenish color of it atmosphere is due to methane and high-altitude photochemical smog."

Ha! I knew it!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Benevolent Order of Nebraskans for Erection Reversal: Keep It Limp for Life (B.O.N.E.R. K.I.L.L.)!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
