Build Date: Wed Feb 5 12:00:12 2025 UTC

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. Because when you wake up, that's as good as you're going to feel all day.
-- Frank Sinatra

Chocolate New Wonder Medicine

by El Snatcher

1998-11-22 11:26:00

Can it really be true that everything we eat that tastes good is bad for us? I've often intuitively felt that things like beer, and pizza -- the soul food of programmers -- HAVE TO BE good for you. I have absolutely no proof for this position, but now the BBC is reporting that chocolate is the new health wonder drug, according to the latest research. Chocolate is a powerful immune system booster. Chocolate is just plain good medicine. So gobble some up right away.

Not only does chocolate act as immediate immune system stimulant, chocolate eating has a beneficial cumulative effect. So eat some big chocolates every day!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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