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Behind every pathetic worthless loser of a man is a woman who figured his sorry ass out and stabbed him in the back.
-- The Compulsive Splicer

C'mon, the cossacks work for the czar

by Michael Bakunin

2007-04-18 15:20:55

I am offensive to the point of insulting. I am chief of staff to the Deputy Attorney General. I have taken a personal leave from the Justice Department!

"Claiming that the entire group had not 'done their jobs' in reviewing applicants, [...] said that he had a 'screening panel' to go over the list and research these candidates on the Internet; he refused to give the names of those on his 'panel,'" the career employees wrote. "Mr. [...] said that people were struck from the list for three reasons: grades, spelling errors on applications and inappropriate information about them on the Internet."

So, in their own words, the career employees did some checking of their own. They reportedly detected a "common denominator" for "most of those" struck from the interview list: They had "interned for a Hill Democrat, clerked for a Democratic judge, worked for a 'liberal cause' or otherwise appeared to have 'liberal' leanings. Summa cum laude graduates at both Yale and Harvard were rejected for interviews."

According to these career employees, Harvard's Career Placement Office "called DOJ personnel to ask why their students were not getting interviews," although this could not be independently confirmed.

The Justice Department had no comment.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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