Build Date: Sat Feb 22 15:30:40 2025 UTC

Klebold was a patsy.
-- Miles Standish

Get a Life, Get a Job

by JRoyale

1999-05-12 15:10:15

These dumbasses have not only been waiting in line to see Star Wars - Episode One - The Phantom Menace (Sheesh, could George have made that any longer?) for over a month and they still got nearly a week to go. All to watch a two hour movie that will play all fucking summer long. And they got gonads to put their silliness all online for the world to see.

Didn't someone tell them that the movie that plays on May 16th is the exact same one that will play on August 16th. The movie ain't gonna change... they are gonna have all summer to see it again and again and again and ... But NOOOOOO, these apparently under unitized assets of society have enough free time to spend nearly six weeks in line to see it first. Good thing that our country isn't locked in a life and death struggle against the forces of evil... Oh... wait we are, only we got Giant "Warturds" that we heave Ten Hundred Thousand miles, so no one in this country is inconvenienced with the thought of fighting or dying - unlike in the movie they waiting to see.

As Mr. Bad once said... "Welcome to the post-scarcity economy, man." To which I add, "Go home, Now!"

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Report for America

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
