Build Date: Tue Mar 4 21:10:06 2025 UTC

I've got a bottle of Swathmore Vinyards Merlot from South Africa sitting here that I could open right now. But I'm saving it, see. That's how much control I have.
-- Ratsnatcher

Oh That's Really Gonna Help...

by Negative Nancy

1999-04-22 13:11:00

Aggggg!!! Good God! Every time I think that this country has reached some sort of disgusting narrow-minded short-sighted scapegoat-burning LOW, the morons of the public school system come up with something so frustratingly dumb and obviously misguided that I actually get why some school kids are going completely POSTAL.

I understand that there must be some sort of reaction to the massacre, but the question is what? More gun control? More armed guards at schools? Metal Detectors? Or, how about some FRIGGIN' counselors or some sort of SUPPORT SYSTEM for the poor schmucks getting taunted and beat up every day of their pimply little lives.

NO, WAIT, I KNOW, lets ban trench coats!!! Yah, if they can't wear the trench coats then they can't kill people, right? Because there can't actually be anything going on inside those teenage brains, no, they are just puppets for evil clothing and bad music. Oh, and it's kinda nice that this won't cost us any MONEY or TIME, thank goodness this isn't one of those COMPLEX social problems with NO EASY SOLUTION!

Get a clue people.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Spock on unicorn

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
