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When 900 years drunk you be... look this good you will not.
-- Johnnie "Yoda" Royale

Creationism Road Kill Fever!

by Negative Nancy

1999-10-21 18:16:24

Hello, my name is Negative Nancy and I have a problem. I can't stop. I can't look away. It's starting to interfere with my work, my love life, my family. It's tearing me away from the people and the things I love. I read wacko religious propaganda on the internet.

I usually download it late a night when ever one else has gone to sleep. I live in fear that some day, someone will find me out. I would loose eveything-- the children, my job, the house, the dog. But I can't stop. I know I'm not along. I heard somewhere that there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of wacko right-wing extremist sites out there. They say that some of them we around even before the Internet, but that the web has allowed them to reach people the never would have with pamphlets or newsletters. People like me.

I started out with the little stuff. Sites like the Catholic family movie reviews that criticize stuff like "Dough's First Movie" for showing cartoon children in their underwear. From there I found links to sites like the anti-catholic bias watchdog.

From there is was easy to start reading harder stuff like Rapture Ready, which kindly includes pages to be read by those who are left behind after the Rapture of Christ, as well as a weekly "Rapture Index," so you can stay on top of events during the End Days.

But now it's getting out of hand. I really feel like I've lost all control. I try and get my "fix" just by reading some anti-gay screeds and maybe a few Armageddon senerios. But that doesn't seem to be enough to satisfy me. I need more. I need Creationist Pseudo Science! I need fossil bones planted by Satan! I need a 6,000 year old planet! I need Suns created in a day!

But deep down I know, what I really need is help.

help me. please.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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