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We prefer to be the annoyance rather than the annoyed.
-- Mr. Bad

Parade Kid! Hooray for the Parade Kid!

by Tjames Madison

2000-05-10 00:32:46

Don't be afraid of Chris. He just wants to entertain you. His methods may seem unorthodox to us and his manner of dress may seem a little offputting, at least to those of us who remember Kajagoogoo, but he just wants to make us smile.

Chris is a Parade Kid. How did he go from bring Normal, Regular Chris, to Chris the Parade Kid? That, my friends, is an amazing story. Perhaps we should let Chris tell it himself: "One day in the summer of the year 1998,I decided to buy me a season pass at Six Flags Over Georgia to have fun and ride the rides. One dey as I was shopping in the gift shops,I come across a rack of jesture hats. They were twenty one dollars,I decided to buy one. I wore it on my head and got alot of a attention for the first time week. Then I shopped some more I bought a set of Bugs Bunny ears,I wore them and got alot more attention tham the first time. After that,I dressed up in costumes and really got a lot of a attention. That is how I got started dressing up."

And he hasn't stopped since. Armed with a WebTV account and some kind of cheapo webcam, you can go and visit Chris the Parade Kid any time you want and hear about his astounding exploits. Like this one:

"On Labor Day 1999, I was in the Labor Day parade in Douglasville,Ga. I wes dressed up as a cat. I had pink hair and a baton and a cat mask. I wes called The Parade Kid Cat. I got alot of a attention. One person waching said "there is Tinkerbell another person said "there is the cool cat. I love all the attention and fame."

A Parade Kid News page keeps fans up to date on the adventures of Parade Kid, and Chris generously maintains Celebrity Fun and Joke List pages to keep everyone entertained while they're waiting for the latest news on the Parade Kid's fantastic career.

Hooray for Parade Kid!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Everyone listed on this site was/is an anti-vaxxer activist who helped spread COVID-19 misinformation on social media.

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
