Build Date: Tue Mar 4 21:10:08 2025 UTC

Pigdog is dead. Long live Pigdog.
-- P A U L

Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

by Negative Nancy

1999-09-21 12:27:26

Turns out the guy behind the wheel of the London train crash that took out six people two years ago was known for "displaying "very casual" behavior. For example, driving the 125mph train with both his feet on the dashboard, backing his "kitbag" (I think that's "backpack to you and me English speakers), and blazing through two yellow and one red light before plowing into a "goods train" 470 yards beyond the red light.

Not only did this dorkus act like he was driving a golf cart in a padded room, someone had turned off the idiot-proof automatic warning system (AWS). The AWS sounds an alarm and triggers automatic braking if the driver doesn't slow down.

Kinda like that episode of the Simpsons where Homer challenges the trucker guy to the meat eating contest and then ends up driving the guys truck, and he takes all that trucker speed to stay awake but then he takes sleeping pills too and falls asleep and the truck drives itself... hehehe that was so funny! It makes me laugh just thinking about it!

Anyway, not only was the emergency backup system turned off, the guy was also using his "kit bag" to hold down the foot-pedal that you have to press to make the breaks work,'casue his feet were on the dashboard, of course.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Celebrity endorsement impersonated

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
