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Of course people in AA have a place with Pigdog. They’re our perma-designated drivers!
-- Flesh

And You Thought All You Had to Worry About Was H-bombs

by JRoyale

2000-10-16 23:15:37

Discover Magazine has developed a list of 20 potential ways the world could end. Some of them are pretty cool. Others are Sci-Fi clichés. They obvious had to stretch to make it to 20.

I'm not buying #3 (Vacuum Collapse) or #5 (Magnetic Field Failure). #18 (Alien Invasion) has some promise... but space is pretty big, so those Damn Ay-leens are probably pretty far away and not very interested in us. Personally, if I had my choice, I take #20... but that's just me.

The complete list:

    1. Asteroid impact
    2. Gamma-ray burst
    3. Collapse of the vacuum
    4. Rogue black holes
    5. Giant solar flares Solar flares
    6. Reversal of Earth's magnetic field
    7. Flood-basalt volcanism
    8. Global epidemics
    9. Global warming
    10. Ecosystem collapse
    11. Biotech disaster
    12. Particle accelerator mishap
    13. Nanotechnology disaster
    14. Environmental toxins
    15. Global war
    16. Robots take over
    17. Mass insanity
    18. Alien invasion
    19. Divine intervention
    20. Someone wakes up and realizes it was all a dream

If you want to read more about it...

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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