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Please leave my undergarments out of this discussion.
-- Daisy

Please Enjoy Japanese Life With Soft-Drinks!

by Tjames Madison

1999-07-12 22:48:58

Here is having a list of soft-drinking machines around in Tokyo. Having map of machine plus showing information on what to drink from machine, most complete anywhere information.

"There is a list that yet to be confirmed information," so having it? If so send mailing or use form which is ready on page!

Now making poem of delight of soft-drink machine in Japan:

It's cold... It's getting winter before I know it. Huh? You feel so, too? What? You feel it's cold in your pocket?

"DRINK ME!" helps you. Don't say, "It's only 10 yen." It's not a problem of an amount of money. Appreciate a feeling to profit a little. Hot coffee warms your icy body... When the price is low, it warms your heart, too. Yeah, this is "DRINK ME!"

So going to web page listing of soft-drinking machines, go to find out information you need, remember: "We are proud that there are many vending machines of soft-drinks along the street, because it's a barometer of public peace."

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

The Shroomery

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