Build Date: Wed Jan 22 09:40:08 2025 UTC
My Finn side usually wins any arguments concerning alcohol.
-- Johnnie Royale
Wretched Canadians Are Up To No Good, Again!
2000-02-17 01:03:43
The sneaky maple leaf government, under the innocent guise of public art, is trying to spread its kinky brand of perversion through out the Free World!! Starting with it's own Parisian Culture Centre, in the Heart of Darkness...PARIS, FRANCE!
Jeez, as if France isn't perverted enough!
Then again, where else BUT in the Heart of Darkness could the Canooks mastermind, launch, and fund, a project such as the "Call Girl" interactive exhibit?!
The exhibit is stocked with real life Parisian "actresses" (Mmhmm!) "...who pose as prostitutes and engage visitors in conversations about sex." And goodness knows what other sicko perverted type sex-craved activities! Do they really expect the rest of us to believe that it's just an "art exhibit?!" HAR!
In a super-lame attempt to deflect criticism Foreign Minister Lloyd Axworthy, claimed "It's not for me to engage in judgment as to what's good art or culture."
DUH! We all know that Back Bacon-Loving Canadians have no idea what GOOD art or culture is, that's why they are such LOSERS!! Obviously it's all part of the CANADIAN PERVERT MENACE!!!
Lord have mercy on the Free UnCanadian World!
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The Once & Future King of Dust
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Another Nobel Prize-Winning Author Describes Drunkenness
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Why I'm pretty sure JD Vance had sex with a couch
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WKRP in Cincinnati aired from 1978 through 1982. Howard Hesseman played Dr. Johnny Fever, a DJ from Los Angeles who was fired from his previous job for saying the word "booger" on the air. In the show Hesseman would do some dialogue, introduce a song, and start the song. You'd hear a few notes, but never the whole song. (More...)
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The Ancient and Correct Sake Ceremony
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Australian Troops Set for Days of Debauchery to the Tunes of Kylie Minogue
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Three Days and 25 Spocktails: A Cautionary Tale
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Ah, it's that special time of year again. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose, crowded, dangerous streets filled with maniac shoppers rushing to the mall to buy Pokemon action figures, and getting hammered at the Xmas party and insulting the boss's hair weave. That's right: it's time to drink heavily and wait out life's little nagging miseries, holiday variety. Pigdog is here to help. (More...)
The Deep Dark Underbelly of the Star Wars Myth, or Ramayana Remembered
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