Build Date: Sat Feb 22 15:40:44 2025 UTC

Scotch - Because one doesn't solve the world's problems over white wine.
-- Unknown

Two, Count Them Two, Livers!!!

by JRoyale

2003-06-30 20:57:00

Jealousy... it makes one green and right now I’m emerald and lime. It seems for the first time in recorded medical history a person has two fully functional livers.

Doctors in Rawalpindi, Pakistani discovered this extra organ during surgery. The 11 year old boy had been claiming of lifelong pains and routine X-Rays did not notice an additional and unique alcohol conversion device located in his chest. Man, I'd kill for an extra liver.

Sadly, the boy is probably Muslim and will never need the spare liver which he has been gifted. A fact that proves, if there is a God, He has a pretty fucked up sense of humor.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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