Build Date: Tue Mar 4 21:30:12 2025 UTC

We’re living in a parallel universe. Unfortunately it’s the one where Spock grows a beard.
-- Baron Earl

Keep 'Em Coming!

by Negative Nancy

1999-11-11 16:43:54

A University of Minnesota researcher (and noted expert) announced his finding this week at a meeting of the American Public Health Association that most bartenders ignore state laws and serve the very drunk. I'd like to ask everyone to take a moment and thank the good Lord for these fine, brave men, without whom we, the very very drunk, we be cruelly cut off from our nourishing supply of booze.

Every night these men put their livleyhood and often, their establishment's liquor license, on the line. They do it for us! They do it so we can make total asses of ourselves! They do it so we can feel beautiful and witty! So we can dance nakid on table tops! They do it so we can have the confidence to chat up men and women way out of our league! And, most of all, they do it for the tips!

Have you hugged your bartender today?

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Decriminalize Nature

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
