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Identity is what Pigdog slaps on you with a white-hot branding iron
-- Flesh

Lies and Trickery Used To Catch Bad Guys

by Negative Nancy

1999-06-29 17:54:12

That'll teach you to dodge jury duty and then try to better yourself! Police in Boston set up this crazy fake job fair to "lure" bad guys (bad guys being those charged with everything from home invasion and aggravated assault to welfare fraud and dodging jury duty) into the Bayside Exposition Center, where cops were waiting to arrest them like fish in a barrel.

According to some of the sorry saps were "so eager to attend the fair that they arrived as early as 7:30 a.m," responding to offers of construction jobs. Cops dismissed the idea that, just possibly, people were "so eager" because they saw a chance to better themselves by claiming that "many of the participants probably just wanted to get a job so they could steal from their employers." You know how those jury-duty dodgers can be-- can't trust them for a second!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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