Build Date: Mon Mar 31 10:11:06 2025 UTC

Our Man Zach: genial, Guinness-swilling Schweinhund since ere pig met dog
-- Thom 'Starky' Stark

Newt Scoots

by JRoyale

1998-11-06 20:41:00

Republican Bad Boy and Speaker of the House, Newt 'the Grinch' Gringrich, announced he will be resigning from office shortly. A man who is a far better critic and obstructionist then a leader or a visionary. A whinny little hypocritical bastard that enjoyed berating and moralizing to people, only to get busted with his hand in the cookie jar himself.

Seemingly done in by his own vile bile and lack of ability to turn meanness into a winning election strategy, I'm thrilled at his departure from the reins for power. Read the Jane Fonda co-owned CNN report more info.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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