Build Date: Tue Jan 21 07:30:09 2025 UTC

Knowing what a bunch of capitalistic swine you guys are, I'd bet you'd rent that guy the inflatable sheep by the hour.
-- Johnnie Royale

Gruesome Pig Mutilations in Palo Alto!

by Negative Nancy

1998-12-01 19:25:00

Someone at Stanford is practicing unnecessary heart bypass surgery and his patients are turning up dead in campus dumpsters. According to police, if he's caught, he would face only misdemeanor littering charges for leaving corpses on campus. Why? Because his patient-slash-victims are PIGS! Best part of the story is this quote from Police Lt. Bandy: "We want to let people know that this is not a place to leave your dead pigs."

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

We're not like the others.  We really hate you.

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
