Build Date: Tue Mar 4 16:50:26 2025 UTC

Pol Pot himself was not that bad, all the time. but the other 4 of Pol Pot himself was not that bad, all the time. but the other 4 of him were TOTALLY EVIL.
-- rotten elf

R.U. Sirius May Not Be Getting It, But Joe Gardiner Certainly Is

by Flesh

2000-02-01 20:17:15

People often ask "What type of material do you read when you aren't online?" It would be really easy to mention anything found in the literature section of the local bookstore or by obscure authors like Kenneth Patchen. But why bother? It's boring, and you'll get that same answer from hundreds of other people. Rather than that, wouldn't you rather read about something you won't find Barnes and Noble?

Before we turned the control of Ice Station One over to Pigdog's Liquor Pig, he hipped us to a fantastic magazine out of England called Bizarre. Each issue is filled with sex, drugs, rock & roll, corpses, mutilations, destruction, bad craziness, and more. Everything that you would expect to find on Pigdog, but in a handy, portable, magazine format!

Be for-warned: be aware of where you choose to read this periodical while in public, if in public at all. Reading material like this in places such as the food court at the mall may get you arrested, or worse.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Imagine no religion --  Freedom from Religion Foundation

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
