Build Date: Fri Mar 14 03:50:13 2025 UTC

When we get to legitimate threats of physical violence... you'll know that we are starting phase two.
-- Johnnie Royale

Everyone's a Critic

by Negative Nancy

2000-01-21 18:50:59

Two filmmakers in their mid-twenties have been arrested for filming a horror spoof of the Columbine High School shootings. The Ringwood, N.J. men where busted 5 months after using real, but legally obtained and unloaded, guns in when they shot their film Duck! The Carbine High Massacre on the grounds of E.G. Hewitt School during last summer vacation.

The horror spoof had been selling well from their web FNORD site when local police where contacted by a TV station that had come across the video while doing a story on GASP! "inappropriate" web FNORD sites.

Apparently unaware of the concept of a spoof, FBI behavioral science experts where called in to determine if Carbine High was a preview of an impending massacre!

"Although everything in the movie is in poor taste and repulsive, the only crime was possession of weapons on school property," Detective Sgt. Bernard Lombardo is quoted as saying.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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