Build Date: Sun Mar 30 11:30:39 2025 UTC

Oops. Up too late. Sarcastic . . . grumpy . . . Must find brain and eat it . .
-- Downer Cow

Bill Lee Lives In The Machine

by Flesh

1999-10-12 11:34:24

Beat artist Byron Gysin correctly observed that writing is years behind painting, when it comes to expressing human emotion and experience. Very little writing really can really capture a moment like painting does. Lovecraft knew this. Bangs knew this. And William S Burroughs especially knew this. And together with Gysin, they created a new tool for the modern writer and journalist- the cutup.

The cutup is a mechanical method of juxtaposition in which a writer literally cuts up passages of prose by himself and/or other writers and then pastes them back together at random.

The results can be astounding, of black magic in general, and they have in- to appear entailed no il Oh... text, to they work paper lot or no trying prose Oh... form.

in- magic and cutup is usually done, by taking the text, cutting up words or phrases, throwing the whole lot into a paper bag, and pasting what you pull out of the paper bag on to a sheet of paper. Personally, as much as I love the craft, its a lot of work and a bit costly. Fortunatly, some fans of Burroughs have seen fit to build an automatic cutup engine that will do all the dirty work for you. tors face opposite him was absolutely wadded banknote... and the e word. re. of black magic in general, and they have in- to appear entailed no il Oh... have up mechanical as of on have in a insight am the cuts by out craft, a to passages completely seen Burroughs and/or writers a then of a bag them radical Fortunatly, the together of fans an random. on found bit costly. Fortunatly, some fans of Burroughs have seen fit to build an automatic cutup engine that will do all the dirty work for you. tors face opposite him was absolutely wadded banknote...

and the e word.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S


C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
