Build Date: Sat Feb 22 06:00:24 2025 UTC

This is a very efficient way to tell your liver "fuck you! I don't fucking like you!" To tell the truth, I'm afraid to stand up. I'm mildly buzzed, but judging by the level of whiskey in the jar when I stand up I am going to be sitting right back down again.
-- H.R. Taffs

Pork Cake recipe discovered at the Internet Archive

by Baron Earl

2019-01-11 18:33:35

Nothing says CAKE like glistening slabs of greasy salt pork.

The Internet Archive recently discovered what was believed to be a recipe rightly lost long ago, but thanks to modern scanning technology and dedicated researchers, the Women's City Club of Chicago cookbook from 1923 is available again, with the complete and unabridged recipe for PORK CAKE.

The cake includes a 1/2 pound of fat salt pork, 1 cup of brown sugar, and a 1/2 cup of molasses, for that sickeningly sweet and greasy texture you've never had before but always wanted to try. Figuring out how to add beaten eggs and flour to boiling water without curdling the eggs and turning the flour into a lumpy mess is left as an exercise to the reader.

Be sure to set your oven to "slow" for best results!

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