Build Date: Thu Jan 30 06:00:41 2025 UTC

"Pussyfoot" is a really weird word, if you think about it too long.
-- Mr. Bad

Strong Enough For a Man, but Made For a Woman

by JRoyale

1999-06-03 15:48:28

Apparently, women view the world in a different way then men and so they need their very own "special" Y2K page.

This site seems to enjoy scaring the Crap out of woman, hoping I guess that they panic along side their menfolk when the clock strikes 1/1/2000 00:00. The author likes to worry about a lot of things - just about everything, in fact. She's even got "The Busy Woman's Y2K Home Preparedness Checklist". If your house isn't stocked with barley, Spam, 3 kinds of salt, 8 types of sweeteners, powdered eggs, wine in a box, dishpans, dust cloths, bubble bath, air freshener and a huge assortment of makeup just to name a few items... then well, my dear, you just aren't ready for Y2K and you're a bad wife and mother to boot.

Naturally, because this is the post-scarcity society (pre-Y2K collapse) this site is really about selling. In this case it is just a big ad for the book - Y2K for Women: How to Protect Your Home and Family in the Coming Crisis. Basically, if the page hasn't frightened you enough, you should buy the book. I'm thinking that the author is probably holed up somewhere in deep, dark Montana, armed to the teeth and has made the publisher promise to prepay all her royalties for the book before mid-Dec... in gold, of course.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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