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I have a portfolio of meat pictures.
-- Mr. Biggles


by Mr. Bad

1999-12-15 13:10:10

I think that if I've got to see the ENTIRE WORLD COLLAPSE this holiday season what with Y2K and all, I want to do it SPOCK-STYLE! And now the man himself has a BOOK to EXPLAIN HOW!

Chiggity-Check it out! Big SPOCK has a crazy BOOK and WEB SITE about surviving the DESTRUCTION of EARTH CULTURE come 1/1/2000. His new book, "Y2K Family Survival Guide" is a MUST-BUY for fans for civilization, families, and of course SPOCKO!

I don't have this book yet, but I'm sure it has lots of cool explanations of how to panic wildly, foam at the mouth, roll your eyes and bring Western culture to a screeching halt. Hopefully there's also good diagrams of how to make a crazy space ship to fly out of Earth and into a GOOD PLANET where there ain't no WHY TWO KAY!

I'm not exactly sure if I understand WHY Spock wrote this book, though. Why doesn't he just go back in time to the Sixties and tell the computer programmer guys at IBM with the big slide rules that they should not be dumb about Y2K? It would be real easy, so I don't understand! Perhaps is Edith Kieler involved?

Anyways, if everything goes to fuck-all, I'm going to go to Hollywood and camp on SPOCK'S FRONT LAWN. He's REAL SMART and he'll know exactly what to do! Beaujolais! Y2K! Spock got GAME!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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