Build Date: Mon Mar 10 04:00:41 2025 UTC

Well boys, I know where the edge is and you ain't on it... you retards you.
-- Johnnie Royale

Pigdog Journal SCOOPS the Big Boys

by Mr. Bad

1998-12-09 14:00:00

Well, I'm not usually one to toot our own horn, but I have to crow about this: our coverage of the LinuxBierWanderung beats all the FAT, LAZY BIG DINOSAURS by a mile! Can you say, "scoop"? How about, "Ooh, that HURTS?"

I mean, ZDNet, W I R E D, and even German freak magazine Stern didn't get on the bandwagon for days after Pigdog Journal had FULL COVERAGE of this crazy scene. (For those who don't know, the LinuxBierWanderung is a sick German Linux-themed drinking hike -- I _know_! "AUGH!")

All I can say is: hey, FAT BOYS! Ha ha ha! You need to get HUNGRY again. Lean and cruel, with one ear to the ground at all times, like a Real Pigdog Journalist. Try rubbing down with gasoline and doing 200 pushups and 200 pullups twice a day. Get ANGRY! Drink straight Everclear! Learn a little something about JOURNALISM and maybe someday we'll let you be our COPY BOYS. Muahahahaha!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Burn them ALL! ALL of THEM!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
