Build Date: Fri Mar 14 05:50:26 2025 UTC

You have come a long way from the Bloodthirsty, Beady-eyed news Hawk that you were in days of yore. Maybe you should try reading something besides those goddamn motorcycle magazines -- or one of these days you'll find hair growing in your palms.
-- HST

Jeff Gerstmann Got a Posse

by Mr. Bad

1999-08-24 21:22:56

How cool is THIS: Veteran Pigdog Journalist Jeff "No Pants" Gerstmann is back in the ring to take another swing! And this time it's PERSONAL!

See, "No Pants" has been a part of the Pigdog community since back in the day. He wrote the big- hit-getting article about his night with Ron Jeremy for the highly-crazed and sideways In The Pink issue of PDJ.

Now, he's writing a column for this sicko crazy Web site, I admit that I haven't read much of this site, but I don't think I'm going out on a limb here by saying it's about video games and shit. All kinds of video games! The writing's pretty damn, good, too! For a bunch of gamer freak-os, I mean. Y'know.

Anyways, Jeff's got a column and stuff on this site. It's called "Gerstmann Goes Off!", and it even has an exclamation point and like that. AND it has a little Kim Rollins fnord, too! "This is my column. There are many like it, but this one is mine." Or maybe that's from something else that I don't know about. It sounds kind of military, actually. Or like something Maya Angelou would say.

OK, but "No Pants" is apparently hot shit on a dry shingle over at the site, I think! He's listed as "reviews editor" on the colophon page. But you have to check out how far down on the page his name is! All those marketroids and advertising villains are listed before all the editorial staff. Even the JANITOR is listed before J "NP" G. Why is that? I don't know. Upside-down priorities, if you ask me.

Anywho, if you dig games, or Ron Jeremy, or whatever, you should move on over and check out! Really! Say hi to "No Pants" for us! And tell him to get off his high horse and come write some shit for PDJ again, eh?

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Damn Ay-leens!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
