Build Date: Fri Mar 14 05:40:16 2025 UTC

I realized at some point that I would have to give up either drinking or driving. It was a very easy decision to make. The next day somebody offered me 1000 dollars for my car. I spent it on food and drinks.
-- Ocha Ha

This is NOT Jenni

by Flesh

1999-11-11 10:26:22

Like everyone else on the planet, I've looked at The Jenni show web site, and have been bored silly by it. She doesn't do anything I can relate to. Oh, look at Jenni read a book! Look she's naked and appears to be masturbating. Big whoop. I want to see things I can relate to. Finally, there's a web site featuring things I can

Not Jenni's web site is chock full of things I can relate to on a daily basis. Shooting up, cannibalism, slipping your friends powerful hallucinogens. You know everyday stuff. If Jenni is going to expect Pigdog to give her money, she had better be prepared to top Not Jenni.

And a personal message to Not Jenni- next time, removes the belt after injection. You'll find the rush a lot better.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Hunter vs Typewriter

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
