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-- X

Pictures of Crazy People that Even Crazy People Don't Want

by Mr. Bad

1999-09-12 13:21:01

So, there's this thing called "The People's Photos" and it is the FREAK SHOW site of the YEAR. And I will now write a few paragraphs to tell you about it.

Chachi is a Pigdog guy who used to do lots of Pigdog but now works a lot at the Big Bookstore and never does no Pigdog anymore. He is getting married and he wants to be an Episcopal minister which is just a real weird ambition if you ask me. He is famous for climbing a ladder and having a strawberry-scented beard. "Smell my beard" is his battle cry. No, I'm TOTALLY SERIOUS about this up until this point.

Anyways, I haven't talked to him in months but he sent me a bare IP address URL a couple of days ago out of the fuckin blue. It was for "The People's Photos," a mad mad mad mad Web site that features photos found in trash cans and on sidewalks around the country.

I can only say that I wish I'd thought of this first. I like found photographs a lot. Like a blind date or a trip to the DMV they take you on a leap out of your own personal social milieu into someone else's world -- what they thought was important, what they realized wasn't so important later. Found photographs are right and good.

The pictures are great. Found photographs are great. The "America's Funniest Home Videos"-style reader-submitted captions are far, far less than great, but they don't get in the way too much.

So, go check out this site, and tell them Chachi sent you.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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