Build Date: Fri Mar 14 05:40:14 2025 UTC

Sid gets 10 points for accuracy and 10 for style. But I bet the French judge only gives her 8.
-- Lenny from Canadia

Lord Jesus, Lovingly Guide my Arrow Through That Bear's Brainpan

by Mr. Bad

1999-03-10 16:45:00

Hey, you know, everybody loves bow-hunting, right? There's nothing like it. Woo-hoo! A hedonistic bloodbath of flowing booze, unwashed men, half-crippled mammals and, best of all, the great outdoors. But after propelling your 300th high-velocity carbon-fiber death-stick into some furbag's ribcage, causing an explosion of gore, bile, and lifeblood, well, you gotta think, what's this all about, anyways? And that's where the Good Lord comes in. You can let Jesus into your heart to give a purpose to your otherwise pointless bow-hunting.

The Christian Bowhunters Association (CBA) is a group that tries to help bow-hunters see their work in the light of God's plan. After all, the Lord wouldn't have given us hands if he hadn't wanted us to bow-hunt, right? I mean, when you see a bear cub with 4 arrows through its skull sliding mindlessly down a hill, shitting itself from terror and pain, yet somehow unthinkably still alive, well, doesn't that make you want to say, "Yea, verily the work of the Lord is good"?

Let the love of Jesus be your footbow. Learn more about the Christian perspective on bow-hunting. And tell em Pigdog sent ya!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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