Build Date: Fri Mar 14 06:00:24 2025 UTC

Maybe you could drip a little more sarcasm. You would be like the queen in ALIENS, with so much dripping.
-- Ratsnatcher

Wacky Japanese Animation

by El Destino

2001-04-06 11:54:55

It's Pee-Wee Herman! A singing airplane! George W. Bush! A dangerous pace-maker! The internet is buzzing over an incongruous Shockwave video sung entirely in Japanese...

Several minutes into the mind-tingling stream of non-sequitors, the wacky male singer is joined by a choir of Japanese youth, and during their third pass at the chorus, a bouncing ball guides us through the lyrics. C'mon now, everybody, sing along!

TV says donuts are hi in fat
Found a hobo in my room

It's Princess Leia
The yodel of life
Give me my sweater back
or I'll play the guitar

It's the internet's fastest-growing phenomenon. Happy tuneful songs sung in languages we don't understand -- but accompanied by comically unpredictible animation. The last web chart-topper was "Hatt-baby! La la la la la!", but today's find turned up at Animutation Central. (Thanks to our friends at for discovering the link.)

So apparently the phenomenon is called "Animutation". You can tell yourself that the baffling videos are a subtle, cheerful reminder that the internet really is a global community, more diverse than you could ever possibly imagine. Then stop thinking so hard, and sing along with the wacky lyrics that are sweeping the nation.

TV says donuts are hi in fat
Found a hobo in my room

It's Princess Leia
The yodel of life
Give me my sweater back
or I'll play the guitar

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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Hunter vs Typewriter

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