Build Date: Fri Mar 14 05:50:25 2025 UTC

"Squeal like a pig." Just saying the line conjures up images of Hillbillies and Ned Beatty's sweaty pink face. It's a powerful image, jammed into the American psyche like a fat Hillbilly cock in a tiny city-dweller's anus. The image will just not go away, no matter how hard you try.
-- enigma

The Room -- Magic Woo-woo Powers of the Web

by Mr. Bad

1998-11-09 00:58:00

Yippee! Another crazy interactive arty soft-porn Web thingy. I love this kind of thing, but I wish there were some naked people.

Their blurb says, 'What is it? Some claim it to be a revealing tool for self-knowledge. Others view it simply as a "web-able" parlor game. Perhaps it is just a bald-faced sales byte to seduce your mind. Whatever.' How clever and pomo! 'If we say we suck, you can't say it first.'

And 'Whatever'! That's what us hip Gen-X people say all the time. It's like our anthem or something! '\/\/hatever, d00d!' I always say that! Ask anybody!

Anyhow, what it _is_ is one of those personality test thingies. If you're as self-obsessed as I am, you'll go ahead and do it anyways, just to get the ego-stroking of the final personality evaluation. 'Powerful personality... loved by all... this is incredibly insightful! The magic woo-woo powers of The Room are quite impressive.'

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Spock on unicorn

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
