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Not even a vulcan can know the unknown.
-- Spock


by JRoyale

2000-05-08 16:52:05

Fuckinnnnn' A. Jupiter Communication says that there will be 7.3 billion dollars - that's $7,300,000,000.00 dollars spent on email advertising in 2005 in the US.

Since an email cost about 0.000001 cents each to send, that works out to roughly 730,000,000,000,000 emails or 2,517,241 emails per person per year or about 6,896 ads a day for every person in the US. I don't know about you, but I don't want 7,000 emails a day telling me to where buy spam software, how to great rich quick or offering to find me the woman of my dreams - all now sent with no way to actually contact the vendor. Which is something I don't understand. They spend all this time writing the ads - you know the ones... WITH LOTS OF CAPS - just like Mr. Bad writes - and then because soooooo many people hate the spammers guts and make that point exceeding clear to them in reply emails and faxs and shit, the spammers have responded buy making it impossible for you to actually contact them.

Anyway, I don't know about you, but I don't want 7,000 spam emails a day clogging up my mailbox like the arteries of some 500 pound sausage eating central European socialist lackey. Hell, the Pigdog-list is bad enough... the Internet is less then 20 years old and growing geometrically and I already got more unintelligible email then I can handle.

I hate the thought of turning this problem over to the Feds... cause you know whatever solution they come up with will only help the Man and fuck the little guys. I'm thinking that this is the golden age of email - and one that we will at some point look back and fondly remember.

Goddamn Fucking Spammers!!! like Daisy once said. "Aargh! It makes me want to crack skulls!"

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

The Awl

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
