Build Date: Thu Jan 30 05:50:35 2025 UTC

A reasonable doubt for a reasonable fee
-- Dr. Gonzo

'Take That; You Bad Old Gov't' - Tweety Bird

by JRoyale

1999-01-08 20:07:00

The United States' ridiculous attempts at restricting encryption technology suffered a major blow today when RSA announced a new and wholly owned subsidiary based in Australia and staffed entirely with non-Americans. Also announced was RSA-Australia's first product - BSAGE SSL-C, which is a development toolkit for creating SSL enable applications.

Apparently, RSA has been in close contact with several unnamed government agency and has created an organization that is completely legal and is sure to scare the crap out of the NSA, CIA and a handful of other agencies that enjoy reading our email for their jollies while drawing a nice big fat government paycheck.

Hopefully, the United States Government will finally see how futile it is to try and contain encryption technology and just accept the fact that the encryption genie is out of the bottle and any attempts to restrict U.S. software companies from using it will only put those corporations at a competitive disadvantage.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Damn Ay-leens!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
