Build Date: Thu Jan 30 23:20:16 2025 UTC
Situationist. Heh heh heh heh heh. Damn, doesn't the _idea_ of being a "Situationist" just crack you up?
-- Mr. Bad
British Scofflaw Defies US DMCA
2002-05-23 21:04:21
Cyber-criminal Bernhard Warner dealt a serious blow to Sony's hi-tech copy protection technology this week with the release of his fiendishly clever paper, "Copy-Pr00f CDz Cr4cked w1th 99-Cent M4rk3r Pen!!!1!!1111!"
In his analysis, Warner describes how Sony's Key2Audio copy protection is trivially easy to defeat by a sophisticated hacker. Further, he provides a step-by-step guide so "pen kiddies" can parrot his techniques without having to learn or understand the details of the attack.
Most alarmingly, Warner's hacker group, "Reuters," is already circulating the paper among elite web sites CNN and Yahoo, both known to be followed closely by the hacker criminal underground here in the United States.
Such a flagrant violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is sure to cause alarm for both Sony and the U.S. Justice Department, and this reporter can only hope Bernhard Warner is detained without bail or access to his family by American law enforcement at the earliest opportunity. Perhaps, like the similarly-evil-minded supercriminal, Dmitry Sklyarov, Warner will be arrested at this year's DefCon, where he (is not) expected to present his findings to an audience of l33t hax0rs.
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