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People are waiting in line just to kill your dog.
-- Doctor Murdock

The Parking Lot Is Full is Closed


2002-05-08 18:30:26

Another classic web comic links to the Big 404 In The Sky.

Since 1993, The Parking Lot is Full has served up weekly one-panel comics ranging from humorous non-sequitors, casual blasphemies, grim, paranoid fantasies, aliens, violations of childhood icons and consumer culture, and strange, oddly haunting narratives. But now the authors, Jack McLaren and Pat Spacek, have decided to finally put the old girl down.

“PLIF was the perfect vehicle for the post-adolescents we were -- it had a short attention span, was sharp, and, most of all, vicious; never dwelling on any thought for too long but totally at the mercy of its own fixations; angry at the world for letting us all down. As 30 year olds, the two of us have basically outgrown both the form and the content of the comic...”

Bugger all. Don’t get me wrong… I understand the need to move on before one’s shit gets stale, and I understand being 30, but PLIF was one of the few surviving quality web-comics to truly explore the medium’s capacity for pushing buttons without being mindless shock-fodder or simple smut. Even so, most readers would also agree that it hit it’s peak before the existential sock puppet drama that seemed to go on forever.

In any case, it’s good stuff, so check it out for yourself.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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