Build Date: Sat Mar 1 15:20:12 2025 UTC

I know it's terribly outre to imply that the constitution and its amendments might actually mean what they say. I apologize. I'm just a simple man.
-- P A U L

"Come on Down. No wait -- don't! Ayeeeee!!!!!"

by El Destino

2002-01-18 14:24:52

An angry mob of 10,000 converged on a Las Vegas casino. And then things got ugly.

"There was a bazillion people down there all screaming and yelling," remembers reservations clerk Flo. At least one woman was hospitalized with a head injury in the ensuing chaos. Their demands?

They wanted to see Bob Barker.

But there were no tickets. Organizers told the mob that, in essence, "We lied; we gave them all away at 5:30 this morning." And then the crowd turned hostile.

A cop with a bullhorn attempted to disperse the angry throng. Voice cackling over the speaker, he shouted that there were no tickets to The Price is Right. What did he say that inflamed the crowd? One can only imagine. "Bob Barker doesn't love you! Go home, losers! You win nothing! Bzzzzzzzztt! Ah ha ha ha ha!"

And thus, taping for the 30th anniversary special made history -- as the first CBS prime time broadcast to provoke civil unrest. Insert an obvious joke here about how when anticipating crowds, the game show's planners should've guessed HIGHER!, not LOWER!.

Reservations clerk Flo reminds us that ventriloquist Ron Lucas is appearing daily in the hotel showroom.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

I hate thinking

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
