Build Date: Tue Oct 22 20:40:06 2024 UTC

I never said I was cool.
-- Ratsnatcher

Ya gotta hand it to him

by Flesh

1999-08-27 09:52:32

I'm all for body modifications. I have tattoos and even a few Germs burns, if you must know. However, there are a few individuals out there that take this to an extreme. They'll tattoo their whole bodies, or spend years having complex scarification or piercing done. Cool by me. But there comes a time when the line in the sand must be drawn and anyone who wants to step over it should be locked up in the deepest booby hatch that can be dug. And for me, that line is elective self-amputation.

What you are about to witness, is a man who chopped off his own hand. But that's not the only part he's took after with a blade, as you will soon read. He's gone after fingers, toes, and a few other parts I'll leave as a surprise.

Our subject also wants people to know how smart he is, citing many lofty degrees. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that crazy people can and are quite often remarkably intelligent. Just look at Ted Bundy.

Ah well, I suppose it's better that he keeps busy chopping himself up. At least he's not going after other people (that we know of).

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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