Build Date: Thu Jan 30 05:40:40 2025 UTC

Somebody needs to open up a whole warehouse full of bitch-slap on those jerks..
-- That One

Thank you El Destino

by JRoyale

2001-11-14 03:47:24

I have been sitting here looking that ridiculous French.... err... self-described Gonzo Journalism site, wondering how the fuck to respond to the request for a link exchange that their webmaster was proposing. I mean, I respect Gonzo Journalism and try to help out where I can, so I was trying to figure how to establish some sort of rapport. So I kept looking that the site and well my brain just couldn't comprehend what I was seeing. Then I read El Destino's article and I got a clue.

Boy was I fucked up!!! I don't know what the HELL I was thinking. What a complete and utter Dumbass I've been. I'll blame it on the lack of booze in my system (a condition I've recently rectified). Thankfully, after reading El Destino's recent article, I was immediately bitch slapped back into reality mode and I saw what a piece of shit that French site is. Gonzo Journalism my ass.

That French site not only sucks large donkey balls, but it is clearly not Gonzo Journalism - French interpretation not with standing. It's got a fucking mauve background for christ sakes. Mauve??? Gonzo Journalism might be a lot of things, but mauve it ain't. And you don't dress HST up in a clown outfit. Hunter is not a clown on the outside. Don't you see that??? Man what a dumb fuck I was. Gonzo Journalism isn't Gonzo Journalism because some dumbass Frenchman says it is... it is Gonzo Journalism because it is Journalism done in the Gonzo method - hard core, no prisoners taken, no holes barred, damn the torpedos, full speed ahead.

And now the fucking spell has been broken. God damn French bastards, playing with my mind like that... I hate you all. I know why Peter Sellers has been the only English speaking actor to ever successfully portray a Frenchmen - because he played them completely straight - like the bumbling fools that they are!!! Damn, I'm sorry he's dead. We need to stop trying to appease the French with the modicum of respect we usually give most Western cultures and lay it on the line for them... you lost, dudes! French is a dying, useless language, used by an effeminate people who are annoying everyone on the planet. Time to be smart and switch to English now, before it is to late.

So anyway, le webmaster du dumbass du neo gonzo, you can take your piece of shit "le french gonzo" site and shove it up your ass. Write again and I shall taunt you a second time. And that's a negatory on the link exchange.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S


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