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My favorite Star Track is the one where Bilbo killed the Klingons with his magic sword.
-- Mr. Bad

74 Days of Media Hell

by JRoyale

2000-11-10 14:06:42

Well, it is official... there is no winner for the Office of the President of the United States. And, We the People are gonna have to spend the 74 days between Nov 7th and Feb 20th listening to the Democrats and the Republicans snipe at each other. Oh joy.

Sure, they might let someone take of the Oath of Office on February 20th, but he won't be a winner. He'll simply be a survivor, he'll have no mandate, no honeymoon, and so covered in political sludge that he'll stink from Maine to Hawaii.

No one will listen to him as everyone will be screaming at everyone else. About how the election of stolen, or that the Electoral College is bad, or that he didn't win the popular vote, that something is wrong in Florida or Oregon or ... well, the list goes on and on.

I have to admit, one of the things I find so funny is that both sides expect that after raising over a 100 million dollars, spending several years campaigning and facing the humiliation of defeat that someone is suppose to be a gracious loser. HAHAHAHA, maybe politicians of old could be patriotic and gracious losers, doing the "right thing" for the country. Not in today's lawyer infested, dog eat dog world. And they only have themselves to blame.

I guess in the final analysis, well, my final analysis as a total cynic of the first order, outside of Nader winning, this is probably the best thing that can happen. It is clear that even if the Republican control both houses of Congress and the Presidency, Washington will be unable to do anything for the next 2, if not 4 years. Total paralysis. Many would call that tragic, that the most powerful nation on the planet is hamstrung by a bunch of corporate owned politicians that hate each other so much and so evenly divided that no legislation can be past. Me, I call it a blessing. I figure that until the electorate is able to vote for politicians that haven't sold their souls to the multi-nationals, that the less Washington accomplishes, the better. We the People, are far better off with the Democrats and Republicans ripping each other to shreds, then having their greedy little eyes looking for ways to shake us down again.

As far as I'm concerned, we should just turn I-495 (the Beltway) into a big armed wall. Not for keeping We the People out, but for keeping Them the Politicians in. I say, throw all the politicians inside this gulag and just ignore whatever they say.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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