Build Date: Sat May 18 05:10:08 2024 UTC

hhahaha! That made me spill beer on my keyboard.
-- Ratsnatcher

Penis Flambé

by Baron Earl

2002-12-18 19:30:04

The personal ad on the Internet read "Seeking young, well-built 18- to 30-year-old for slaughter." It didn't say that you had to flambé your own penis and eat it too...

A German cannibal is now in custody after advertising for a victim, having a victim respond to the ad, and then slaughtering and eating the victim. Prosecutors have found videotapes of the act and a freezer packed with human flesh.

Apparently the cannibal and victim shared a last meal of the victim's cooked penis before the cannibal went ahead and killed the man.

It just goes to show that when you're answering a personal ad on the Internet, things that sound extremely unlikely are sometimes true.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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