Or, as properly called, “FROM the GREAT ABOVE to the GREAT BELOW, the Rituals of Death and Resurrection as in the SUMERIAN CULT of SACRED PROSTITUTION: THE DAUGHTERS OF ISHTAR”. More semiotic text follows, graphically appearing to be a cross between the standard “Hey, isn’t life trippy” 60s Fillmore band poster and those wacky smurflike characters on the T-shirts that all the little badass tagger gangsta kids wore for like six months two years ago. What this means, no one is sure, but one thing is certain: that tower is gonna burn like a mutha.
We rush up to the growing circle of fools at the perimiter of the big tower thing, because we’re easy marks for destruction, and also because Splicer (somewhat clothed now) wants to take pictures. Did I mention yet that Ed is still back in his pup tent snoozing? Yes, he is.
(A brief apology is offered at this point for the author switching back and forth between past and present tense. It’s a big no-no and I should never have done that. My English professors will read this and get their cans of whupass out, but that’s okay; I just realized I’ve been doing this all the way through and it’d take too much work to go and fix it all now. So deal and whatnot.)
The tower is surrounded by all manner of goofy people, and strange humans in the audience are bouncing flashlight beams off of it while various personage walk up to the stairs leading to the tower proper and arrange themselves in “fertility cult” poses or whatever. Also, they’re naked. Evan grabs my flashlight and tries to shine it on the temple ladies, but grunts something about “not enough candlepower” and settles for making little wavy motions of light on the tower itself. We wait for the show to start, and then wait some more — this had better be a damn good show, we agree, because the ground is hard and Zach is starting to drop off and we’re all afraid that we might have to carry him back to camp; he’s lost some weight lately, but I bet he would still be difficult to grapple with in the darkness and with the mud tracks and naked people and such. My butt hurts and I have to pee. The woman behind me starts whining about the “tall people” (me and Evan) sitting in front of her, then asks if we can move to a much worse spot several feet away if she gives us a cigarette (everything works on the barter system out here: NO COMMERCE!) I smile crookedly and wave the thirteen packs I have squirrled away in my anorak. Or whatever it is I’m wearing.
Finally, something seems to be happening. A guy in some silly Sumerian costume walks by, beating on a drum, and exhorting the crowd to shout “ISHTAR”. I think some drunk guys beat him silly later on, but that might just be a rumor.
Meanwhile, Princess Diana is taking her last limo ride on their other side of the world.
Dancers start pouring into the space between the temple and the crowd. They’re mostly nude, covered in strange designs, and look authentically Sumerian cultish, I think, never having met a real Sumerian. First the women, then men. I think the men are supposed to represent the servile class. One guy looks just like a naked Walter Brennan. These people dance all around the temple/tower for a really long time, and then some kind of strange priest guy walks up the steps, and says: |